Friday, April 22, 2016

How Gullible Are You?

When I was younger my dad used to drop statistics like it was nobody's business.  The funny thing was that I never actually saw my dad read which always made me curious to where he was getting his information.  Many times when we hear statistics we take it as the the absolute truth.  But what makes something true and what makes something only as something we PERCEIVE to be true? 

In a study by the American Psychological Association they concluded that "not a single study has found children of lesbian or gay parents to be disadvantaged in any significant respect to children of heterosexual parents."  This study played a major role in courts redefining marriage since they believed that one of the major factors would be how this could effect children.  This one study has majorly influenced so many people and their thoughts on same sex marriage, and even what marriage is in general.  However in a brief written by Dr. Loren Marks entitled "Same-sex parenting and children’s outcomes: A closer examination of the American Psychological Association’s brief on lesbian and gay parenting" shows that there were some major errors in the interpretation of the data used, yet someone who would have only heard this study and taken it as the absolute truth would have never been able to know that.  In reality there wasn't any significant conclusion to come to a decision either way.  

So before you just go believing just anything somebody tells you, make sure you really study it out.  You are your own agent, not to be acted upon but to act.  

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