Thursday, May 5, 2016

Walking on eggshells

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's ever had problems figuring out what someone is really trying to say or who's ever been overly cautious about what they do or say so that someone wouldn't misinterpret what we're saying.  There's even a popular song that talks all about that!  (halla to my boy Justin!)  

There are many theories that address this concept.  The Symbolic Interaction Theory views humans primarily as cognitive creatures who are influenced and shaped by their interaction experiences.  These symbols can either be through objects, gestures, words, or actions.  What does a hand shake mean, a hug, a touch on the arm?  Wouldn't it just be easier if anyone just came out and said how they truly felt?  None of this beating around the bush.

There's a concept in the Systems theory that describes when people have this problem, when they try to deny reality by either saying that nothing is wrong or just try to beat around the bush called mystification.  If you have this problem or know someone that does, the best thing is to not point fingers, and to try to not say that the problem is the person.  That will get you absolutely no where.

However at times, we fall into these roles whether it be in our family, or our group of friends, or with our coworkers and it can be hard to break out of these habits.  There are a set of rules within each system whether they be spoken or unstated and which can make it even harder.

There is hope.  You can break through.  You are not destined to be the same person that you were yesterday.  Change exists.  If you are determined all is possible.          

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