Thursday, June 30, 2016

Money, Money, Money...Money!

One of the biggest stressors in the family is finances and money and it is usually the leading cause in most divorces.  So it could be quite beneficial to learn how manage your money before it manages you, in fact it would really pay out in the end. 

You first need to learn self-discipline a self-restraint.  There is a difference between needs and wants.  If you don’t have the money to buy something, don’t buy it, or if that money would be better spent in other areas, don’t buy it.  It really is that simple.  You will be able to better determine if theirs is something better that you need to spend your money on if you create a budget.  List all of your expenses (rent, insurance, food, utilities, transportation, etc.) along with the income that you bring.  You must be honest in your budget.  How much do you spend eating out, going to the movies, or buying that new pair of shoes.  Once you make a list you will be able to see what you can cut out.  Now stick to it!  Once you learn how to stay within your means, you’re halfway there!   

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